All Categories
AVID Media ComposerAVID Media Composer: A professional video editing softwa..
BassBass: Virtual instruments or effect plugins that focus on bass sounds...
BundlesBundles: Discounted packages that group together multiple plugins, o..
Bundles for Live Sound..
Bundles SonnoxBundles Sonnox: Discounted packages specifically containing S..
Channel StripChannel Strip: Plugins that combine multiple processing effect..
CompressorsCompressors: Effect plugins that reduce the dynamic range of aud..
DAWDAW: Stands for Digital Audio Workstation. These are the core programs u..
DelayDelay: Effect plugins that create echoes or repeats of the audio signa..
DJ softwareDJ software: Software programs designed for DJs to mix and manip..
DrumsDrums: Virtual instruments or effect plugins that focus on drum sounds..
EffectsEffects: A broad category encompassing various plugins that modify t..
Eligible for Sonnox BundleEligible for Sonnox Bundle: Indicates plugins tha..
EqualizersEqualizers (EQ): Effect plugins that allow you to adjust the tona..
Exclusive PricesExclusive Prices: Plugins offered at a discounted price onl..
FL Studio - DAWsFL Studio - DAWs: Subcategory for DAW software specifically..
Guitars and AmplifiersGuitars and Amplifiers: Virtual instruments or effect..
Product available for local pick up or shipping within the US with tracking..
HarmonizersHarmonizers: Effect plugins that create additional vocal harmoni..
KeyboardKeyboard: Virtual instruments that emulate the sounds of pianos, or..
Misc virtual instrumentsMisc virtual instruments: Virtual instruments that ..
MiscellanyMiscellany: A catch-all category for plugins that don't fit neatl..
Mix & Master Software Audio Mixing and Mastering Plugins: Aud..
Noise reductionNoise reduction: Plugins that help remove unwanted noise fro..
OrchestraOrchestra: Virtual instruments that recreate the sounds of a full ..
OthersOthers: A category for plugins that don't fit into any other category..
PianoPiano: Vitual instruments that focus on recreating the sound of a pian..
Pre Sonus DAWsPre Sonus DAWs: Subcategory for DAW software specifically fro..
Pro Tools softwarePro Tools software: Subcategory for DAW software specific..
RestorationRestoration: Plugins designed to repair damaged audio recordings..
ReverbReverb: Effect plugins that simulate the natural reflections of sound..
Sample Library and LoopSample Library and Loop: Collections of pre-recorded..
SamplingSampling: Plugins or samplers that allow you to capture and manipul..
StringsStrings: Virtual instruments that recreate the sounds of string inst..
SynthesizersSynthesizers: Virtual instruments that generate electronic soun..
Tune pitchTune pitch: Plugins that can correct or adjust the pitch of recor..
UpgradesUpgrades: Newer versions of existing plugins you might already own...
UtilitiesUtilities: Plugins that offer various helpful tools for music prod..
Video SoftwareVideo Software: Software programs designed for video editing ..
Virtual InstrumentVirtual Instrument: A software instrument that generates..
Virtual ProcessorsVirtual Processors: Effect plugins that process audio in..
Vocal SoftwareVocal Software: Plugins designed specifically for processing ..
WindWind Instruments: Virtual instruments that recreate the sounds of wind ..