Brand: Zynaptiq
ZYNAPTIQ ORANGE VOCODER NANOZYNAPTIQ, vocoder effects, formant shifter, monophonic synthesizer, mixerOrange Vocoder Nano: A simplified version of the legendary Orange Vocoder IVOrange Vocoder Nano is a simplified version of Zynaptiq's classic Orange Vocoder IV. It offers a selection of the same grea..
Brand: Zynaptiq
Detail, Clarity, Density, Loudness Detail | Clarity | Density | Loudness INTENSITY is a new kind of audio processor for mixing, mastering and sound design. Built on techniques typically found in facial recognition algorithms, INTENSITY brings out a sound’s inherent detail, increases its perceived ..
$89.00 $169.00
Brand: Zynaptiq
PITCHMAP--COLORSUnleash Creative Control Over Audio with PITCHMAPUnleash Creative Control Over Audio with PITCHMAPPITCHMAP is a revolutionary audio processing plugin that lets you manipulate the pitch of individual sounds within a mix, in real-time. This groundbreaking technology opens up a world of..
Brand: Zynaptiq
ZYNAPTIQ PITCHMAP::COLORS + ORANGE VOCODER NanoZYNAPTIQ, audio manipulation tools, Pitchmap:: Colors, Orange Vocoder Nano, powerful audio manipulation toolsPitchmap:: Colors & Orange Vocoder Nano: A bundle of powerful audio manipulation toolsPitchmap:: Colors & Orange Vocoder Nano is a bundle of two..
Brand: Zynaptiq
REAL-TIME STRUCTURAL AUDIO MORPHING Real-Time Structural Audio Morphing MORPH 2 is a real-time plug-in for structural audio morphing, the sonic equivalent of one object slowly changing its shape to become a different object - for example, one face becoming another. Super-charged with a selection of..
Brand: Zynaptiq
Otherworldly Audio Effects Processor Otherworldly Audio Effects From beautifully shimmering detuned guitar widening and glassy ambient octave-shift tails, to surreal ambiences, starship drones, alien, monster, and robot voices — WORMHOLE is the new indispensable multi-effects powerhouse for sound d..
Brand: Zynaptiq
Harmonic Tracking Resynthesis Reverb Harmonic Tracking Resynthesis Reverb ADAPTIVERB is a revolutionary reflectionless reverberation plugin. Unlike traditional reflection-based acoustic room modeling, ADAPTIVERB adds perceived depth, harmonic richness, and butter-smooth tails without obscuring the ..
Brand: Zynaptiq
MORPH 3MORPH 3 REAL-TIME AUDIO MORPHING & STYLE TRANSFER: MORPH 3 is a real-time plug-in for audio morphing, the sonic equivalent of one object slowly changing its shape to become a different object – for example, one face becoming another.MORPH 3: Transform Your Sound Beyond ImaginationDiscover the..
Brand: Zynaptiq
With the most comprehensive and best-sounding set of vocoding algorithms available with laser-like pitch control effects, a powerful synthesizer, audio freezing, a super fun and efficient workflow, and tons more, ORANGE VOCODER IV is the ultimate vocoder! ORANGE VOCODER IV: Vocoding, zynaptified. ..
Brand: Zynaptiq
Real-time polyphonic pitch processing It's Full Of Stars PITCHMAP is the world's first and only plug-in that allows processing the pitch of inpidual sounds within mixed signals in real-time. It lets you change the melodies and harmonies of any recording by simply playing your own on a MIDI keyboar..
Brand: Zynaptiq
BOOST OR ATTENUATE DRUMS IN MIXED MUSIC Boost Or Attenuate Drums In Mixed Music UNMIX DRUMS is the world’s first audio plugin that allows attenuating or boosting drums in mixed music, in real-time. Using advanced source signal separation (a.k.a. de-mixing, unmixing, sound extraction, sound isolatio..
Brand: Zynaptiq
MORPH 3 PROMORPH 3 REAL-TIME AUDIO MORPHING & STYLE TRANSFER BUY NOW MORPH 3 is a real-time plug-in for audio morphing, the sonic equivalent of one object slowly changing its shape to become a different object – for example, one face becoming another.MORPH 3 PRO: Elevate Your Sound DesignIntroducing..